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10 zasad pięknego, młodego wyglądu, które możesz zastosować od razu

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My name is Marta Kucinska and I am a specialist in natural rejuvenation.

If you follow my Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or blog posts, you already know me a bit. If not – I will introduce myself briefly, and any minute now, thanks to the course, we will get to know each other even better. By the way, I already know that since you are here, we have a lot in common!

I am a biologist by training, a Level III Ayurveda consultant and a certified facial yoga teacher. I have been studying ayurveda for a few years in Poland and in India, at the Jiva Institute.
I created this course because I want to help women take care of their appearance naturally and safely. To show that there is an alternative to expensive and invasive treatments, and that care with creams alone is not enough to achieve a satisfactory result. With kinesiotaping, you can enjoy a more youthful appearance and a better sense of well-being. Start now.

Thank you for joining the course Aesthetic Kinesiotaping with Yoga Beauty. I am glad that you want to discover and use this method. I invite you to learn more about the lessons in the course.

NOTE! Your access to the course is yours alone!!! Any kind of copying, processing, distribution of these materials in whole or in part as well as sharing logins with third parties is prohibited.

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