6 situations where a facial massage can be harmful
Can facial massage be harmful? What influences its effectiveness? When should I opt out of it? I described 6 situations that do not contribute to facial massage and can even lead to skin damage. If you've ever had a massage that worsened inflammation, swelling, or sagging, be sure to read this post. You may have made one of these mistakes.
How to start your facial massage adventure?
Bringing any new aesthetic practice to your routine, you should start by studying your knowledge about her. Manual skin stimulation requires a certain amount of awareness from us. It is good to know how the face and skin are arranged, and what processes occur in it during massage.
Practice is another matter. When using any rejuvenation technique, we must first learn it. Only with time do we gain experience. If we take care of the correct technique, massage gives the best results.
If you start doing a facial massage without your knowledge or any training, there is always a risk that it may not help you or even harm you.
Each facial massage should be performed correctly. Only then will you be sure that it will bring the expected results and will not be harmful to you.
6 situations where a Facial massage can harm you
1. Too intense and frequent facial massage
If you're new to facial massage, you can't immediately plunge into deep water. Starting from very deep, intense, long-lasting, daily high-strength massages, there is a risk that the person will react the other way around. The skin may appear completely saggy, and the face is drooping and haggard.
Why is this happening?
During such an intensive facial massage, we begin expel lymph from our tissues. What has been creating volume and tension in the face up to now is being squeezed out of it like a sponge. The skin and tissues begin to contract and break down, making the face look tired, wrinkled and flabby. Thus, we can deprive ourselves of lymph, which is necessary for our tissues.
How can I solve this problem?
Remember that strong, intense and deep massages should be performed maximum of 2 times a week. Don't do them every day.
What do I mean by deep massage? This is a long-term practice, for example, using gua sha tiles, chinese bubble or others massage accessories.
Yes, you can use them every day, but only during short, shallow massages. Then you strengthen the tissues, stimulate the synthesis of collagen, tighten the skin, spread wrinkles, but do not go deeper into the tissues, so you do not risk draining excess lymph.
2. Skin inflammation and acne
If your skin is in an active state of rosacea, you may damage it during a massage. The same applies to active inflammation, herpes, and other bacterial and viral infections, especially when they occur in the face area.
In this situation you should completely abandon the massage.because it can only aggravate the problem, spread the foci of inflammation and make them "bloom" even more on our face.
What can we do?
Preferably it is worth looking for the cause of inflammation. I mentioned it in the movie Want a beautiful complexion? Take care of your intestines!Very often, what appears on our face is the result of inflammation in our body, which occurs due to an incorrect lifestyle, a poorly balanced diet, and what is happening in our intestines.
If the facial massage caused inflammation, then it is not entirely the fault of the massage itself. Stimulation of the skin reveals what is smoldering inside it. Accumulated toxins and pollutants begin to leak out, which is a sign of deeper problems.
In such a situation, we stop the massage and carefully look at our body, drawing conclusions and striving to cure it. As soon as everything returns to normal and the inflammation calms down, we can freely return to the facial massage.
If you have oily, problematic, acne-prone skin, I recommend that you use neem oil and tamanu oil.
3. Incorrectly selected massage oil
Another factor that affects the effectiveness of massage is the correct choice of oil. I think that everyone can find an oil for themselves, but not every oil is suitable for everyone. Some can actually negatively affect the skin condition.
If your skin becomes clogged or prone to breakouts after applying the chosen oil, then you should probably try a different cosmetic product. Read about how to choose the right oil for your skin m.in. in my the book Beauty Yoga.

4. Massage your face when you're sick or have a cold
Another situation in which it is better to give up a facial massage is when you are sick, have a cold, or your body is struggling with inflammation.
By acting on your skin, you will increase your body temperature, as well as stimulate various types of nerve endings that affect the functioning of your organs. Thus you can inflame the diseasewhich will only worsen your condition. Such a massage does not meet the goal. It's better to wait until you feel better.
5. Incorrect massage technique
I very often watch women rub creams into their skin, pulling the skin down. I want to shout, " Don't do this.” By moving our skin down each day when applying makeup, we stretch it in the direction that we don't want to stretch it.
The same goes for massage. Do not remove the skin from top to bottom. Especially the middle zone-the cheeks and skin in the lower jaw. This technique will cause sagging, rather than disappearing, to increase in size.
Movements during the massage should be tightening-move from the inside out, gently up. The only exception concerns the neck, which we can massage down, but only on the sides, facilitating lymph flow.
Another common mistake massage only one selected area, especially if we are prone to edema.
When you wake up in the morning and your face is swollen and you start massaging just the area around your eyes-the swelling may even increase. Why this effect?
During stimulation, you stimulate the circulation of lymph without clearing its ducts, so there is no way to drain from the face. So instead of releasing it, you make it flow into the massaged area, which has the opposite effect to what you expect.
6. Massage your face before going to bed
Massage can also be harmful if done just before bedtime. Why? Because the lymph circulates very slowly at night. It doesn't have a pump of its own, like a heart that pumps blood. The lymph simply stands still at night, the only movement is a slight lifting of the chest and diaphragm, and this is too little — the blood circulation is even minimal. To do this, the face and neck are pressed against the pillow.
If in such a situation you decide to do an intensive massage, then you are shooting yourself in the knee. Everything that you move during the massage will be pressed with a pillow, the consequences of which you will see in the morning in the form of unbalanced swelling.
Facial massage is performed no later than 2 hours before bedtime. Sometimes you can do it 1 hour before bedtime, but this applies only to those who do not have a tendency to puffiness of the face. Be sure to use it at night anti-wrinkle pillow, which takes care of the correct placement of the face and neck.
Why use regular and skillful facial massages?
In this post, I have listed the main situations when massage can really hurt. If you take them into account and learn how to massage your face in accordance with the correct technique, following my videos and tips that I share on the blog, on YouTube and on social networks-of course, manual stimulation of the skin will bring you great benefits, strengthen it, reduce sagging, take care of its elasticity and density, which will affect on the appearance of wrinkles and furrows.
I assure you, even if you're offended., it's worth trying againby changing the oil or taking into account other listed factors that may negatively affect the results of the massage.
If you want to save information from this post, it was also posted as a video on my site. youtube channel. I encourage you to subscribe to it. This is a real storehouse of knowledge about proper massage techniques, face yoga practice, and lifestyle that positively affects our appearance.