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Błędy jogi twarzy. Sprawdź, dlaczego nie widzisz efektów. 
20 Sep 2022

Face yoga mistakes. Check why you don't see any effects 

Do you practice facial yoga? Check if you are making a mistake popular errors. Some disorders may not be very dangerous, but if you want facial yoga exercises to be effective, do them correctly — in accordance with art, taking holistic care of your health and well-being. I am very concerned about this, and during consultations and trainings I try to tell my cadets and students how to get rid of bad habits and common mistakes. I will be happy to share this knowledge with you. 

You don't care about your body

If you don't take care of your body and body holistically, the same yoga exercises for the face they may not give you impressive results. It is very important to take a closer look at your figure. It's worth remembering that everything is interconnected, and what you do affects each other. 

Therefore, if you care about a good skin condition and a young appearance-start from taking care of the whole body. Stretch, be active, exercise regularly, and use the support of a physical therapist or osteopath if necessary. 

Frequent crossing of legs

Yes, you can see clearly-crossbreeding it affects the appearance of your face. As I said above, it is worth remembering that the individual parts of the body are connected to each other. If you often cross your legs and do it one-sidedly, it can lead to facial asymmetry. 

Tightening the muscles that are not needed when performing yoga exercises for the face

A popular mistake when doing facial yoga is pulling up muscles that you're not currently exercising. An example? If you are training the cheek area, pay attention to what is happening in the forehead area — whether you are not frowning at the same time or not squinting. Such habits during exercise are not suitable, as they fix the state of muscle contractures in these areas. 

You put a lot of strain on your neck and back

During face yoga classes, many people havelimbs for lifting neck and back muscles. An example? When we put our hand in the area of the forehead, we press on it with our head-we reflexively stretch our neck forward. This is completely unnecessary. 

How to avoid this facial yoga mistake? During the training session you can rock your body gently or, if this method doesn't work for you, lie down on the ground for the duration of the practice. This reduces the risk of neck and back strain.

Irregular Yoga practice 

Irregular yoga exercises for the faceUnfortunately, those performed with a jerk will not bring you impressive results. It's not enough to remind yourself to practice once a month or once every 2 weeks — it's too little to train your muscles. 

You don't struggle with bad habits

Regular exercise and body care aren't enough. Pay attention to your habits. For example, if you train your eye area several times a week to lift your eyelids or eliminate crow's feet, but at the same time during the day you often squint and tighten your eyebrows — you will quickly negate the positive results that you achieve with yoga. 

You don't care about a valuable diet, enough water, and good sleep

You will find it difficult to achieve a good, youthful appearance if you are every day you don't care about a valuable diet, enough water, and good sleep. Lifestyle has a huge impact not only on how we feel, but also on how we look. 

Incorrectly selected exercises  

What else can go wrong when practicing facial yoga on your own? The problem may be wrong exercise choices. An example? You may not be able to tell which areas of your face you have excessive contractures. If you only do exercises that are excessively addictive and activate them for work, instead of relaxing them with appropriate massages, for example, then you may be making the problem worse. 

Remember — how many exercises, so many massages. The second part of the practice should always be based on massaging the muscles and relaxing the tissues.

Watch a video about face yoga mistakes:

Face Yoga Mistakes and Effects-Summary

You wonder why you don't see the results of facial yoga — it's time for a little analysis. Take a look at yourself and your habits. Look at your body holistically. Think about whether you are taking proper care of all areas of your body. If that's the case,you're on your way to a change that's sure to happen in your mouth soon.

How to learn how to properly perform yoga exercises for the face? 

One of the best ways to learn how to properly practice facial yoga is through a course I created for beginners: Yoga for the face from scratch. It contains several dozen exercises for various areas of the face, neck and decollete, which I supplemented with specialized massages, which are a great addition to everyday practice. 


Joga twarzy do Podstaw – kurs online

Thanks to the lessons, you will learn how to apply facial yoga in practice, learn the exercises, learn how to perform them, and also what to pay attention to. You'll also learn how to choose and stack exercises into workouts that affect the selected parts of your face. 

You can take the course anytime, anywhere. Training videos, exercises, and pdf materials are placed on a convenient platform that you can use using your phone, computer, or tablet. 



Author of the entry:

Marfa Kusinska-Bielecka - certified teacher of facial yoga by the method of Face Yoga, author of the book "beauty yoga", yogi, Ayurvedic consultant III degree, biologist, fashion designer. I teach women to stay young and feel good for a long time.

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