Can a facial massage be dangerous?
Have you heard that facial massage aggravate acne problems or they can increased morning edema? Are you wondering if this is really a safe method of skin rejuvenation, and whether it is worth introducing it into your daily skincare routine?
Recently, natural facial massage has become an increasingly popular skin rejuvenation technique, so there are many myths surrounding this topic. Today I want to dispel them. In the text, I explain whether a facial massage can be dangerous for you. I will tell you when they should be avoided, what are the contraindications to their implementation, and what procedures should not be combined with them.
Massage of the face, neck, decollete huge health benefits i beauty products. However, keep in mind that they usually (depending on the technique used) rely on stimulating the deeper layers of the skin. This has a huge impact on her condition, so massage should be performed in accordance with the indications, the appropriate technique, and taking into account any contraindications that actually occur. they can lead to certain complications.
What is facial massage?
Manual facial massage it consists of manual, mechanical development of tissues to trigger their natural, internal repair. Massage can be performed using a variety of techniques, varying degrees of severity, and using a variety of techniques. massage accessories. They allow you to stimulate the skin, but also deeper tissues m.in deep fascia, periarticular and periosteal tissues. A goal? Not only aesthetic! Massages force the tissues to restore the correct structure, begin to recover and become elastic.
The main advantages of regular facial massage:
- reduced myofascial tone,
- stimulation of tissues for natural regeneration and recovery,
- face modeling and deep lifting effect,
- unblocking deep blood and lymph vessels,
- elimination of lymph stagnation,
- skin oxygenation,
- softening of hardened adhesions and degraded tissues,
- restoring muscle contractility,
- skin rejuvenation (less wrinkles and less sagging).
What are the contraindications to facial massage?
OK, but what should you do, or rather avoid, in order for a facial massage to actually be good for you? Unfortunately, facial massage isn't for everyone. In some situations, you just need to opt out of them, whether you want to or not. Below I have prepared list of main contraindications to perform a facial massage. However, keep in mind that if after reading this post you still have doubts about whether you can safely massage your face regularly, you should consult a dermatologist, cosmetologist, or family doctor.
Contraindications to face massage
- acne and skin inflammation - this applies to all types of this disease: pustular, Purulent, rosacea and inflammatory conditions of allergic or infectious origin,
- lichens,
- vascular skin, with pathologically ruptured capillaries,
- skin that is damaged, such as burned, frostbitten, or cracked,
- occurrence of herpes,
- large dark moles with uneven edges, fast-growing bumps (such changes should be urgently referred to a dermatologist),
- violation of the continuity of the epidermis, i.e. any wounds, wounds,
- dermatological diseases,
- purulent conditions in the mouth, such as on the gums or tonsils,
- fever, flu-like conditions,
- enlarged lymph nodes,
- conditions after surgical treatment,
- cancer diseases,
- hypertension (unregulated pharmacology) and severe heart disease,
- severe diseases that require treatment (you should consult your doctor).
Can I get a facial massage during pregnancy?
Are you pregnant and wondering if you can use a natural facial massage? Yes, of course! In most cases, there are no contraindications to this. This is excellent, a natural alternative to aesthetic medicine. Regular massages guarantee you relaxation, relaxation and care for the condition of your skin.
Do you do a facial massage before going to bed? See why this isn't the best idea.
What else should you avoid so as not to harm your skin and beauty, other than combining massage with the aforementioned ailments? The answer may surprise you. Avoid massaging your face before going to bed.
I know this can be problematic. I understand perfectly well that it is in the evening that you usually have moments for yourself. This is the perfect moment for a massage. After all, we wash off our makeup after a day, take a bath, and leave all our responsibilities behind. But, unfortunately, a facial massage before going to bed is not the best idea.
When you sleep, your lymph circulates much less. The lymphatic system does not have a pump, as is the case with the heart and circulatory system. The lymph does not excite anything. During sleep, only the diaphragm and chest muscles work. This is too little to support its circulation. When you stimulate it in one area, that is, on the face, and then press your head against the pillow, there is a huge risk that in the morning you will wake up with lymphatic tumors on your face.
To avoid this, facial massage is best done at least a few hours before bedtime or in the morning. To enhance the effect of lymphatic drainage, you should use additional accessories: gua sha tiles and roller coasters, massage gun, 3D massagers or ice balls for massage.
If you are prone to facial swelling, start each massage with the armpits and collarbone area. This way, you will improve the circulation of lymph in the lower parts, which will significantly reduce the risk of stagnation.
Choosing the right cosmetics also matters!
Another matter selection of a suitable cosmetic product for massage. As a rule, we use various natural oils for facial massage. Unfortunately, not everyone will contribute to our beauty.
The most versatile oil for facial massage jojoba oil. It is well suited for many skin types, is very compatible with human skin, has a composition close to our sebum, so it is well tolerated. However, there is no certainty that it will suit everyone. Each person has an appropriate oil assigned to their skin, but you have to hit it off.
Jeśli po masażu widzisz, że na skórze pojawiają się niedoskonałości, a pory są zapchane — warto sięgnąć po inny preparat. Idealnym rozwiązaniem może być olejek Citrus Glow, który dzięki swojej lekkiej, multifunkcyjnej formule nadaje się zarówno do masażu, jak i codziennej pielęgnacji. Nie zapycha porów, intensywnie odżywia skórę i dodatkowo zachwyca relaksującym, cytrusowym zapachem.
Więcej na temat kosmetyków do masażu twarzy pisałam w tym miejscu: What is the best cosmetics for facial massage?
After what aesthetic procedures is it better to give up face massage?
Unfortunately, that's not all! Manual facial massage should be avoided fresh after some aesthetic medicine treatments. The reason is quite simple. Further stimulation of the tissues can negatively affect the results of the procedure and may even lead to skin damage.
After what procedures can you not do a massage?
- After botox - for about 3-4 weeks after the procedure, massage or even touching the injection sites should be avoided.
- After procedures using threads and fillers - there is a risk of moving them.
- After invasive procedures and operations using a scalpel.
- After processing with acids.
Can a facial massage worsen sagging and wrinkles?
If you follow the above indications, is there a risk of harming your skin? There is a myth that says that natural massages can stretch the skin. This is not true under any circumstances. Natural stretching of the skin is possible, but it is very difficult. The skin is an extremely flexible and elastic organ. It allows us to repeatedly contract and stretch, which allows us to function normally on a daily basis, express our faces and move our heads.
How does massage affect it? As an exercise for the body, that is even more of it strengthen, strengthen and strengthen to sag. I wrote more about this in this place: Does the skin stretch when massaged?
To summarize, in some situations, a facial massage is not the best option. There are a number of contraindicationsthings to know and keep in mind. If the skin has developed inflammation or acne-related changes — for some time, you should abandon the manual development of tissues until the skin heals.
It is important to massage your face with well-chosen cosmetics, as well as in the right way for us and at the right time. If you don't know how to start your adventure with a natural facial massage, you want to learn proven methods and learn more about natural care — I cordially invite you to check out the offer face yoga course from scratchin which you will find extensive module on facial massage.
If you value individual contact and want me to introduce you to the world of facial massage-I invite you to consultation. I will prepare for you an individual set of practices that are best suited for your skin and body.
Author of the entry: Marfa Kusinska-Bielecka - certified teacher of facial yoga by the method of Face Yoga, author of the book "beauty yoga", yogi, Ayurvedic consultant III degree, biologist, fashion designer.
I teach women to stay young and feel good for a long time.