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10 rules of beautiful young appearance that you can apply immediately

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5 May 2022

How to age more slowly?

We live longer and longer. It's natural to want to feel good in your skin. Of course, it is impossible to stop the aging process. As much as we'd like to, aging is part of our journey. We will grow old, and this is obvious. However, what we can do is learn to take care of ourselves and our health holistically, on many levels, drawing on the best of nature. What will it do? Thanks to this, we can work much longer and more efficiently.

We can age in a wise, natural way, at your own pace, eliminating premature sagging or wrinkles that appear as a result of improper lifestyle and loss of balance. 

Take care of your mind, take care of your inner beauty

It doesn't matter how many titles and money you have. It doesn't matter what achievements you have or what beauty you have. Inner beauty is something absolutely priceless. 

Inspiration for creating this entry (and youtube posts) there are my notes that I recorded during my stay in India. I received a huge amount of excellent knowledge. from a wonderful teacher, Dr. Satanarayan Das. 

In an old notebook, I found a written Hindu proverb that says:: "External beauty is the depth of the skin”, that is, very superficially. That got me thinking. And if we took off our skin, we would stop admiring beauty. What's important? First of all, what we have inside. The main thing is our inner beauty. If we don't have it, then no matter what we do or how we try to rejuvenate ourselves, we won't be truly beautiful. 

Preferably be a good person in your actions and thoughts. It is important that the good does not affect only our actions. So what if we're going to do well if there's anger boiling inside of us. We can't perform certain actions simply because “this is how it should be” or “this is how it should be”. This will lead to frustration sooner or later. Inside, we will repeat negative thoughts to ourselves: "I don't want to do this“,” I have to do this again" ... there will be no real, genuine beauty in such actions. 

If you want to age more slowly, start by organizing your internal affairs. From working on your mind and nurturing inner goodness, which manifests itself in both behavior and thoughts.

Choose what you eat well and consciously

What matters is how we live every day. How we operate. What we eat. What we look at, hear, and smell. Every day, many things come into our minds through our senses. And this is our food. 

We don't just eat what we eat — we also feed through the senses. In life, you should surround yourself with beauty. Listen to music that fills you with calmness or good energy. If you are already reading or watching something, choose something that is positive for you. Also take care of the sense of smell, i.e. use aromatherapy. Surround yourself with scents that are soothing and pleasant to you. 

Eat food that fills you with vital energy

Food is the theme of the river. Of course, what we eat can be approached in different ways. There are different diets, different conditions, different needs of the body. However, one rule is common to all. It is worth turning to such food that feeds us with vital energy. This makes us age more slowly.

Of course, it's best that it is plant-based foodbecause plants live. Even if they are cut or pulled out of the ground, as in the case of root plants, they retain their vital properties longer. It's the same with grains. If you fill them with water, they will sprout — there is life in them. And this applies to people who follow a plant-based diet. Thanks to it, we have more vital energy.  

Every day, be at least for a moment only with yourself

Every day is worth finding a moment for yourself, when we are alone with each other. For example, you can take yourself for a walk or sit with yourself without turning your attention to other things. It is not a question of, for example, watching a movie or reading a book at this time, that is, running to other activities. The idea is to actually be alone with yourself and your thoughts. Think about how often you do this? It is very important. We need to have a place to regularly ask ourselves what is really important, what may be causing us difficulties. Maybe you need to learn from some experience? 

Drawing lessons and lessons from your own experience

You can learn from your own experience, but you can also learn from other people's experiences. You don't always need to test something yourself. However, it is important to have a place for such an analysis. Unfortunately, there are people who do not draw conclusions from their own experience and do not draw conclusions from the experience of other people. In this situation, development is out of the question. 

How to age more slowly?

* surround yourself with kindness and try to be a good person,
* take care of your inner beauty,
* surround yourself with something that feeds your energy,
* eat plant-based foods,
* give yourself space to grow and be on your own. 

Also, take care of your body and your figure. There is no chance that your body will function well, be fit, feel good, and be in balance if you don't take care of it on a physical level. 

To slow down the aging process, it is enough:
* short daily exercises,
* regular stretching of the body,
* simple 5-minute exercises. 

Movement is necessary in order to release good hormones

Another simple tip. If you feel bad, you fall into a hole, or you feel worse, which makes you less willing to complete any task-it's good to move a little intensely. This can be a normal ski jump, fast running on the spot, trampoline jumping, ski jumping, squats or my favorites body shake. This way, you will throw out all the bad energy and feel a little better.

It also works great in these situations an intense walk in the fresh air. This activity also moves the whole body, improves well-being and fitness. And finally, I certainly can't mention yoga, which miraculously balances the body and mind, i.e. works on several levels simultaneously.

Get rid of muscle contractures on your face and body

To age more slowly, you should also take care of contractures in the body and on the face. If your muscles are contracted, you have a lot of it in your face, neck and head, nothing will help using anti-wrinkle creams or specialized treatments. Why? Because muscle contractures will destroy your tissues every day, leading to deep wrinkles.

Thus, the first step to youth should be stretching contractures. You will find several ways in my videos on my YouTube channel.

For example:


Make regular, simple slot machines

Only in the next steps, after removing the contractures, do we move on to specific exercises that will relax, tighten and, as a result, strengthen the muscles. 

During the massage, the faces will be useful accessorieswhich you will find in my store.

It is worth remembering that the muscles of the face are the basis for our skin. It is not enough to deal with the skin itself so that it is firm and tight. First of all, we need to strengthen our muscles. Thus, we will build a protective net on which the skin holds well and fits. It itself is perfectly tightened, which eliminates the problem of sagging, hamsters on the cheeks or the second chin. 

Make a bet on conscious, natural care

Last step conscious care. Of course, it is best if it is (if possible) based on natural ingredients. Why is this important? Remember that a lot of substances are absorbed into our body through the skin. An example is hormonal patches. Therefore, a large amount of chemicals used in products is not a good idea. Cosmetics should be chosen consciously, having become familiar with its composition. 

Summary: is it possible not to get old?

It is known that this is absurd! The point is to take care of yourself on all levels, from physicality to the psyche, in order to maintain balance. Lifestyle is very important, but also personal growth. A healthy body is a body that is well-nourished, in good physical and mental condition. Human behavior is also very important. Without beauty in the heart, there is no question of beauty on the face…

I hope you'll take some of this for yourself. Maybe you have your own ideas and tips that should complete this list? Add them to the comment below the post. 


Author: Marta Kuczynska-Bielecka-certified yoga teacher using the Face Yoga method, author of the book beauty yoga, yoginka, consultant of Ayurveda III degree, biologist, fashion designer.
I teach women to stay young and feel good for a long time.

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All materials contained on the site are exclusively educational, informative and hobby-oriented. Their purpose is not to diagnose, treat, or prevent diseases. They will not replace the medical advice we need to take care of.


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