What is the best cosmetics for facial massage?
When and what to use for facial massage? Is only oil suitable for this? Can I use the cream? Do I always need to lubricate my face before a massage? You often ask me about these issues on social media and in the news, so I decided to collect all the most important information about facial massage cosmetics in one place, that is, in this quick guide.
Does every massage require skin lubrication?
Definitely not! Anything depends on the massage technique and the effects you want to achieve. Some massages require gliding, but there are also some where oiling the skin is not recommended. For example, hand massage can be done using valuable oils, but also dry, without any cosmetics.
Daily massage most often, we do this with the help of special preparations that make it easier for our hands to glide over the skin. This massage is more gentle and easier to perform.
If you want to run deep massagewhich should lead to a strong revival of tissues and relaxation of highly tense muscles-refer to the facial massage technique, which provides stronger pressure. In this case, sliding on the skin can make it difficult or even interfere with the proper performance of the massage.
When to use cosmetics for facial massage?
Manual palm massage
For manual massage, we use cosmetics depending on the technique and expected results.
Facial massage with massagers
Cosmetics that give a glide on the skin we use for massages performed by gua sha, chinese bubble i kice hives for massage.
For other massagers, such as massage gun, massage spoon, 3D massager or massager wieloigloyou — we do not use lubricating cosmeticsbecause instead of helping, they can make precise massage difficult.
Facial Massage Cosmetics-what to use for best results
Facial Massage Oil
First of all, it is worth remembering that the oil is always selected to meet the needs of the skin. There is no oil that will serve everyone.
The most universal massage oil faces are jojoba oil. It is well suited for many skin types, is very compatible with human skin, has a composition close to our sebum, so it is well tolerated. However, there is no certainty that it will suit every person.
A good one oil for dry skin Almond oil is rich in vitamin E, vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, potassium and zinc. It gently softens the skin and retains moisture in it.
With a problematic complexion, which is mixed or bold, is most often checked neem oil or tamanu oil. In this case, tamanu oil should be diluted with a base oil, for example, with jojoba oil.
Wypróbuj Citrus Glow — lekki, multifunkcyjny olejek do masażu i pielęgnacji
Jeśli poszukujesz oleju do masażu, który sprawdzi się przy wielu typach cery, a jednocześnie dostarczy Twojej skórze bogactwa składników odżywczych, idealnym wyborem będzie olejek Citrus Glow. Jest to wyjątkowa kompozycja naturalnych olejów i witamin, które regenerują, nawilżają i rozświetlają skórę. Jego lekka formuła szybko się wchłania i nie zapycha porów, a świeży, cytrusowy zapach pozwala przenieść pielęgnację na zupełnie nowy poziom relaksu.
Each person has an appropriate oil assigned to their skin, but you have to hit it off. If you start your adventure with an oil massage and notice a significant deterioration in your skin condition, it's likely,:
1. you have problems with poorly selected oil
2. it can be a sign of an imbalance in your body.
According to Ayurveda, the condition of the skin says a lot about the state of our body. They pay special attention to it during ayurvedic consultations. Jeśli pojawiają się na niej niedoskonałości, zmiany, wypryski to znak, że w Twoim organizmie została zaburzona równowaga. Warto wówczas zadbać o siebie w sposób holistyczny – zarówno przez świadomą pielęgnację, jak i pracę nad zdrowiem całego ciała.
Aloe Vera gel or Ultrasonic facial massage gel
If for some reason you don't want to use natural massage oils because, for example, you haven't yet found one that serves your skin, you can also turn to ultrasound gel or aloe vera gel. This cosmetic formula is suitable for most facial massage techniques. Only a massage with a vacuum can may require more sliding, that is, using oil.
Honey for facial massage
Looking for natural cosmetics for facial massage? Perfect for this role regular homemade honeywhich will definitely be in your pantry. All you have to do is apply it on your face and mix it with a little water, for example. spraying the sweet layer with the selected hydrolate. This procedure will make the honey more slippery,which will greatly facilitate the massage.
Water or hydrolates for facial massage
If you don't have a cosmetic facial massage product on hand, you can also use it as a last resort. plain water lub innego hydrolatu. Jest to niestety dość uciążliwa metoda, ponieważ w trakcie masażu trzeba co kilka sekund spryskiwać twarz, tak aby skóra cały czas była wilgotna.
Favorite face massage cream or serum
You can also use your favorite cosmetics, such as cream or serum, to massage your face. It is important that their consistency is quite slippery, so that the massager or hand can easily move over the skin. In this case, a manual massage is best. In fact, you can do them every day, every time you put makeup on your face.
How to make a simple manual massage when applying the cream? Take a look at the express instructions I've prepared. see
Not every facial massage requires the use of cosmetics. Much depends on the massage technique and the results you want to achieve. During the massage, you can use both oils and other cosmetics or preparations that will make it easier to glide on the skin, such as your favorite cream, gel or honey.
Do you want to learn how to massage your face effectively? Take an online course: Yoga for the face from scratch. In addition to exercises, you will find as many as 17 video instructions with which you will learn how to perform anti-aging exercises for various parts of the face and neck.
Author of the entry:
Marfa Kusinska-Bielecka - certified teacher of facial yoga by the method of Face Yoga, author of the book "beauty yoga", yogi, Ayurvedic consultant III degree, biologist, fashion designer. I teach women to stay young and feel good for a long time.