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9 Jun 2022

Exercises and foot massage against forehead wrinkles

Do you want your face to look young and radiant despite the years that have passed? When thinking about rejuvenation, don't isolate your face from the rest of your body. Just focusing on skin care in one area isn't enough. To keep your face in good shape and youthful, you should think about your face in a broader context. I mean both a healthy diet, hydration, sufficient sleep, movement, working with emotions, and daily foot massage.

Make it a daily habit to massage your feet

Legs are the foundation of our body. They have a huge impact on various processes occurring in our body, including the appearance of the face. By using them correctly-standing while walking, exercising, or massaging, you can affect the condition of your forehead and eyelids.

Taking care of this part of the body will not take up much of your time. Just a few minutes of exercise and massage are enough, at least during the evening rest. It is worth setting aside such time during the day and permanently introduce the habit of massaging your feet into your daily life.

How do feet affect the appearance of the face?

We have a sort of fascia in the body, the connective tissues that surround our muscles, bones, and organs. From the toes, along the legs, spine, back of the head, all the way to the eyebrows running posterior fascia. Its incorrect tension will spread throughout the body. So it may turn out that the problem is in the calf area, whether the spine will directly affect the area of our forehead or eyelids. 

An example? If you spend a lot of time in a hunched position, the body canvas may shift up, causing transverse wrinkles on the forehead or sagging around the eyelids. 

Complete a quick task that perfectly illustrates the effect of posterior fascia relaxation on your body. Try to perform a forward tilt without warming up. Then do a foot massage and repeat the exercise. You will definitely notice the differences. After the massage, the slope will be deepened.


How to properly maintain tension in the body?

Of course, there are really a lot of methods. First of all, you should regularly take care of your body for exercises and stretches. You can also visit a physical therapist and an osteopath from time to time.

In addition, we can introduce small habits into our lives that will not strain our time much, but will affect individual areas in fragments. Start with your feet. I've described some exercises and 2 simple, intuitive massages that will help you relax your posterior fascia and surrounding muscles.

How to do exercises and foot massage that rejuvenates the skin?

1 exercise-Lifting your feet on tiptoe

Tiptoe your body up and slowly lower it. This exercise will stimulate the circulation of blood and lymph. It is worth repeating them several or several times.

Exercise 2 - swing your legs from side to side

Stand up straight, keeping your feet flat on the Ground. Then turn their edges outwards and inwards. Repeat the exercise several or a dozen times.

3 exercise-lifting

Prepare a light accessory, such as a stretch band. To strengthen the leg muscles, it is useful to perform the exercise of lifting the selected object, grabbing it with your fingers. Repeat them several times, of course, for both legs.

Exercise 4-stretch your legs out on the tape

We sit up comfortably, straightening our backs and gently pulling in our navel. We put our foot on the stretch tape and stretch it forward, straightening the knee. Then we bend our leg forward and pull it towards us. The exercise is repeated several times for each leg.

How to get a manual foot massage that relieves tension, stimulates blood circulation and takes care of the whole body?

* Sit back, place your foot on one knee, and gently turn your leg up.
* Start by massaging the inside of the foot, starting from the middle part of the foot, moving up. Make the movement of rubbing the skin.
• If you feel any thickening or tension under your toes, pay more attention to this part of the foot by massaging it harder and longer.
* Then start massaging your midfoot. We do this quite intuitively, carefully opening the foot outwards.
* Consistently move to massage the sides of the foot, gently squeezing them point by point. 
* Massage the heel in the same way, gently pressing your fingers into it.
* Finally, start massaging your fingers, gently stretching them and stretching them out to the sides.
* Each finger should be massaged one at a time.
* The last point is an intuitive upper foot massage and ankle exercises that stimulate lymph circulation.

Additional tip:
Before the massage, take a look at the reflexology chart of the feet, which goes back to the traditions of Chinese medicine. Thanks to this, during the massage you can recognize various complaints related to the work of individual systems in the body. Massage should also be enriched with oil or aromatherapy.

In the yoga beauty shop you will find several useful accessories:
Jiva Ayurvedic Oil for massaging and nourishing the skin of the body and face
Quartz massager for reflexology

Foot massage with a ball

If you do not like manual foot massage or it makes it difficult for you, at least because of the rigidity of the body-do simple foot massage with a ball.

You can use a regular tennis ball, although much better results will come from investing in special massage ball with protrusions. You will definitely find it in popular sports stores.

Massage is very simple. Simply place the ball on the ground or floor and place your body weight on it, gently moving the ball up and down your leg.

What does a regular foot massage do?

Daily foot massage combined with simple gymnastics gives remarkable results.
* You'll notice better health.
* You stimulate blood circulation.
* You improve lymph flow, which will improve nutrition and oxygenation of tissues.
* You will feel lighter and more flexible in your body.
* You will reduce the amount of toxins in the body.
* You will eliminate stiffness and blockage states in the body.
* You will take care of proper tension of the fascia, which will directly affect the appearance of the face, including a more youthful appearance of the forehead and eye area.

It is worth remembering that massages and foot exercises should be applied regularly-just a few minutes a day is enough. This is definitely a better practice than a long massage once a month or a complete lack of interest in the feet.


Author: Marta Kuczynska-Bielecka-certified yoga teacher using the Face Yoga method, author of the book beauty yoga, yoginka, consultant of Ayurveda III degree, biologist, fashion designer.
I teach women to stay young and feel good for a long time.

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