Vibrogymnastics-simple exercises for longevity
Do you want to stay young and fit for many years to come? It is enough to bring your body into vibration for a few minutes a day. Vibrogymnastics are simple exercises developed by Alexander Mikulin, an outstanding engineer and designer of aircraft engines. He tested their effectiveness on himself, extending his life by more than 40 years!
What is vibrogymnastics by Alexander Mikulin?
The exercises are really simple. Everyone can perform them, regardless of age. You don't need any extra accessories or even more space – just a piece of floor. You can perform them barefoot, on a cushioned surface such as a mat, or in athletic shoes, while walking, running, or doing daily activities.
The essence of vibrogymnastics is to make your body vibrate by hitting your heels on the floor.
* Stand firmly on your feet and raise your heels to a height of about 1-2 cm.
* Then dynamically lower them to the floor, causing a slight shock.
• In this way, you will set the cells in your body in motion without straining your heart or spine.
* One hit is not enough. In one series, you should repeat the exercise 30, maximum 60 times.
* Complete the practice without haste. The entire exercise will take you a maximum of 1.5 minutes.
* Sessions should be repeated throughout the day several times every few hours, with a maximum of 5-6 sessions per day.
Sounds pretty giddy? You'll look at it very differently when you learn about the benefits of this extremely simple vibrahymnastics.
Why introduce regular vibrogymnastics exercises into your life?
Vibrogymnastics improves the condition, reduces wear and tear of internal organs and helps to clean the lymphatic system, taking care of its proper functioning. Gentle vibrations that pass through your body move deposits in the cellular spaces. It stimulates the circulation of lymph and blood. It saturates the entire body with oxygen and contributes to its effective purification, at least from harmful metabolites.
How is this possible? It is worth remembering that our body consists of particles that constantly fluctuate. A healthy body vibrates at the same frequency 62-72 MHz and declines in this regard should be avoided. Vibrogymnastics helps to maintain harmony throughout the body, eliminating the problem of any stagnation.
Vibrogymnastics advantages
* exercise normalizes the functioning of the lymphatic system, which, according to the teachings of Ayurveda, is called the " river of life”
* improves blood circulation and heart function
* the body is saturated with oxygen, which improves brain function
* exercise strengthens and tones the venous valves
* you feel your body aroused, you have more energy
* improved Fitness and fitness
* eliminate the problem of edema and congestion
* helps remove toxins from the body
* stimulates the work of internal organs
Alexander Mikulin proved that vibrogymnastics prolongs life
I wonder how it ever happened that an aircraft engine designer developed such a method? Need is the mother of inventions.
Mikulin at the age of 50 fell ill with cardiovascular insufficiency. Doctors gave him only 2-3 years to live, and this is on the condition that he avoids any effort that disrupts the rhythm of his heart. However, the engineer did not give up. He began to look for an analogy between the construction of the human body and the construction of machines. He based his analysis on the laws of physics and observation of processes occurring in nature.
He began to test the theory of beneficial vibrations for the body on himself and years later described it in the book”Active longevity". Mikulin, despite the diagnosis of doctors, lived 92 years, maintaining good physical shape and fitness, thereby confirming the effectiveness of daily vibrogymnastics.
Author of the entry
Marfa Kusinska-Bielecka - certified teacher of facial yoga by the method of Face Yoga, author of the book "beauty yoga", yogi, Ayurvedic consultant III degree, biologist, fashion designer. It teaches women to maintain youth and good health for a long time.