Discover one simple exercise that prolongs your life and rejuvenates your face.
One simple exercise it can regulate blood glucose levels, improve blood circulation, and even rejuvenate the face. Does it look like a magic spell that doesn't qualify for success? I'll Surprise You. Its effectiveness is confirmed by many scientific studies. Best of all, a minimum commitment is required. They can be introduced into your daily life without any sacrifice. Do you want to meet them? We invite you to read today's entry.
A rejuvenating exercise that doesn't take time
I believe that good practices for our body, beauty and health should be woven into our daily lives within the framework of small, non-demanding changes, as well as improving our habits. It's not about constantly expanding your to-do list for a tick. Each of us has a limited amount of time during the day and many different responsibilities. I fully understand this, so I try to share with you the practices they bring huge benefits, but not demanding from the point of view of space and time.
This is well illustrated by the example of a healthy, balanced diet. It takes just as much to prepare a meal that doesn't serve our bodies as it does to prepare a balanced, nutritious meal that affects our health and well-being in different ways.
The same goes for the exercise I want to tell you about today. This doesn't require a gym membership, long trips, extra accessories, or a few hours a week. You don't need anything but a small space around you.
What are the benefits of a simple exercise routine that I call the secret to a long life?
- it has an impact on health, supports the treatment of many diseases
- this can affect your life expectancy
- it has a rejuvenating effect on the tissues
- affects how your skin looks
- slows down the aging process of the skin
- improves blood and lymph circulation
- accelerates fat metabolism
The secret lies in the combination of two techniques: Mikulin's gymnastics and exercises for the soleus muscle
What is vibrogymnastics by Alexander Mikulin?
I'll start with a brief introduction. Alexander Mikulin was a designer of aircraft and rocket engines. He was born in 1923. At the age of 50, he fell ill with cardiovascular failure. Doctors gave him only 2-3 years to live, and this is on the condition that he avoids any effort that disrupts the rhythm of his heart.
Fortunately, he didn't give up. He began to look for an analogy between the construction of the human body and the construction of machines. He based his analysis on the laws of physics and observation of processes occurring in nature.
So he developed theories of beneficial vibrations for the body. Despite the doctor's recommendations, he began testing it on himself and years later described it in a book."Active longevity”. Mikulin, despite the diagnosis that "doomed" him to premature death, lived for 92 years, maintaining good physical shape and fitness, thereby confirming the effectiveness of daily vibrogymnastics.
You can find more information about it here: Vibrogymnastics-simple exercises for longevity
What happens in the body due to twitching?
First of all, by setting our body in motion during vibrogimanstics, the lymph and blood begin to circulate better. Both of these important systems are starting to work more efficiently. Blood, which circulates better, nourishes and oxygenates tissues throughout the body, and lymph supports the cleansing of the body and strengthens our immunity.
In addition, during the exercise, we move the soleus muscle
The soleus muscles are located in the back of the lower leg, next to the calf muscles. They allow you to move the ankle joint, stand on your toes and lift your heels up. Why is it so important for our body? This is the secret of the exercise I want to tell you about.
It's worth knowing that the body stores energy in the muscles in the form of glycogennot as pure glucose. Glycogen is a type of multi-sugar that consists of a large number of glucose molecules bound together.
This is a kind of "energy store" in our muscles that helps us store a reserve of energy to use when needed, such as during exercise or physical activity.
When we consume foods rich in carbohydrates, the body processes these carbohydrates into glucose, which is the main fuel for our body. Excess glucose that is not needed for immediate use is converted to glycogen and stored in the muscles and liver, where it can be used in the future.
According to recent studies, the soleus muscle is the only one in the entire body that does not store glycogen. What happens when we move it? In this situation, it begins to get glucose from our bloodstream, and not from the reserves stored in the muscles in the form of glycogen. And this is the essence of the whole theory.
By moving the soleus muscles of our calves, we cause them to start consuming glucose, which circulates in the bloodstream.
What does this mean for your body?
If you have problems with obesity, diabetes, glucose levels, or other metabolic diseases that are related to the sugar and fat economy, with a simple exercise, you can not only relieve the symptoms of these diseases, but also get out of the disease completely.
They say that movement is health, and this theory only confirms this. Our body is naturally equipped with a "system" that heals our body through movement.
The combination of the latest discoveries related to the work of the soleus muscles with Mikulin's vibrogymnastics allows us to come to unusual conclusions-with the help of one simple exercise, you can take care of your health on many levels.
How to do an exercise that is the secret to a long life and good skin condition?
The exercise is very simple. As I said before, you don't need any accessories.
All you have to do is raise your heels about 3 to 4 cm and let them fall to the ground. So you are causing jitter. The movement should be repeated rhythmically, approximately 60 times per minute, that is, one heel lift per second.
When performing the exercise, try to stand in a natural position. Take care of relaxing your body. The silhouette doesn't have to be perfectly straight, because this way you can make the circles heavier.
How often should I do this exercise?
This exercise should be performed at least several times a day, for example, 5 times. The absolute minimum is in the morning and evening.
Elderly people with obesity or other concomitant diseases can divide such a series of lifts into several parts, making, for example, 20 movements with a short break. And we repeat this series 3 or more times.
If you are in good shape, you feel a surge of energy during the exercise - you can freely increase the time to 3-4 minutes.
How to increase the intensity of the exercise, combining the practice of Mikulin with the need for intense twitching of the soleus muscles?
In this situation you tiptoe up as high as you can and go down. The strength of muscle twitches is definitely higher then. This should be done with soft cushioning, so as not to bounce the heels and strain the back. At first, you can hold something that will make it easier for you to balance.
Of course, if you suspect diabetes or any other medical condition, remember that it is exercise is no substitute for treatment. In any case, you should consult a specialist to eliminate possible contraindications that may affect the treatment process.
Vibrogymnastics and exercises for the soleus muscles, as well as the appearance of the face, that is, the secret of youth
How does regular vibro-gymnastics affect the appearance of your face? Is it really possible to affect the condition of the skin by twitching the soleus muscles?
If you consume a lot of sugar, so-called sugar consumption occurs. caramelization of collagen fibers, that is, their solidification and crushing under the action of glucose, which settles on them. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in skin density and tone, as well as the formation of wrinkles.
When metabolic diseases affect the body, too much glucose circulates in the blood. If you consume an excess of it,you have a chance to cleanse the body, which will lead to the regulation of many metabolic and wellness processes. Glucose can't do that much damage to your body.
Thanks to this simple exercise, you can not only improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system, but also rejuvenate the body, speed up fat burning and get the body out of glycemia and other disorders of this type.
In addition, every movement makes us feel better, gives us a sense of happiness and joy. I encourage you to incorporate this simple exercise into your daily routine. It is enough to spend 2-3 minutes a day on them at the start. That's really not much!