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10 rules of beautiful young appearance that you can apply immediately

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Before practice, be sure to take photos of your face in good daylight, preferably facing the window. It is important that no artificial lighting shines from the side and does not give shadows on the face

Take a photo of the face in front and both profiles. Re-shoot after 2-3 weeks, and preferably after a month. Do another one every month. If you exercise regularly, 6 days a week, preferably twice a day, you will quickly see a difference 🙂

Initially, practice in front of a mirror to carefully perform each exercise.

During practice, pay attention not to tense the muscles of the back, neck and neck.

Be mindful of correct posture and always lower your shoulders and arms.

Observe in the mirror whether you are frowning and tightening zones on your face that should not be involved during the exercise, such as whether you are frowning your forehead when exercising your neck.

When practicing, breathe calmly and never hold your breath.

Always perform a warm-up before starting exercises.

At the end of the training, stay in mindfulness for a while by closing your eyes and breathing calmly.

Don’t expect immediate results. Every body is different and responds to change at different rates.

Approach facial yoga with joy and the conviction that you are giving yourself a moment of mindfulness and goodness for yourself.

Remember that a good attitude is already half the battle! ☺


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