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10 zasad pięknego, młodego wyglądu, które możesz zastosować od razu

Pobierz teraz

For the next few days, continue exercises proposed on days 19, 20 and 21 by choosing a set from one of these days that suits you best. After some time, for example, after 1 month or 2, you can change the set (from another day), so that the muscles do not get used to the same work. You can also, based on the exercise scheme I suggested, arrange your own training plan, selecting exercises for your own needs.

Remember that anything that is done systematically works, so if you want to look young for as long as possible, you can’t abandon facial exercises when the desired results appear. I wish you to make facial yoga your regular ritual and thank you for taking the course!

© Copyright 2024 JOGA PIĘKNA. All rights reserved. Created by THENEWLOOK
UWAGA! Nazwa „joga piękna” jest zastrzeżona.
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