Wieczorny masaż twarzy, czyli moja rutyna odmładzania na noc
Twoja skóra w nocy przechodzi intensywny proces regeneracji – naprawia mikrouszkodzenia, usuwa toksyny i przygotowuje się na kolejny dzień. Możesz […]
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10 rules of beautiful young appearance that you can apply immediately
z okazji Dnia Kobiet
w dniach 2-9.03
Here you will take care of your health and beauty, in harmony with nature.
You will discover yoga for the face, automatic massage, natural care, and the secrets of Ayurveda.
You will learn habits that will improve your well-being and make you look younger.
Face yoga is a Japanese method of facial exercises that takes a holistic approach to the body, combining facial exercises with proper breathing, posture, dietary elements, and the practice of mindful facial expressions.
It is a natural way to slow down age-related changes in the face. It rejuvenates, reduces wrinkles, eliminates double chins, and can even reshape the face to some extent, such as by enhancing the cheekbones or lips.
My name is Marta Kucińska, and I teach women how to maintain a youthful appearance for a long time. You are here because you are interested in Beauti Yoga – so I already know we have a lot in common!
Beauty yoga helps women maintain their beauty, eliminate signs of past tense and fatigue, restore a radiant appearance, a natural smile, and improve their self-esteem. I created this brand because I believe that a beautiful woman is not only a well-groomed woman, but also a strong, intelligent and conscious one. It combines facial yoga, diet therapy, knowledge of the East and West about a person.
I am a certified yoga teacher using the Face Yoga method, author of the book "beauty yoga", creator of online courses and seminars, yogi, consultant of Ayurveda III degree, biologist.
I am also the author of numerous journal articles, m.in. glam, elle, beauty, Gala, miss, mint. Acts as an expert at conferences and on TV shows: Good Morning TVN, a question for breakfast.
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10 rules of beautiful young appearance that you can apply immediately
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Twoja skóra w nocy przechodzi intensywny proces regeneracji – naprawia mikrouszkodzenia, usuwa toksyny i przygotowuje się na kolejny dzień. Możesz […]
Poranny rytuał odmładzania twarzy to dla mnie coś więcej niż tylko codzienne wklepanie ulubionego kremu – to moment, w którym […]
Drugi podbródek to zmiana, która najczęściej pojawia się wraz z upływającym wiekiem. Przyczyną mogą być złe nawyki, predyspozycje genetyczne lub […]
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Attention! The name "beauty yoga" is reserved.
All materials contained on the site are exclusively educational, informative and hobby-oriented. Their purpose is not to diagnose, treat, or prevent diseases. They will not replace the medical advice we need to take care of.
Yoga face is something for me. I learned this in a beauty yoga class. I can practice facial yoga anytime, anywhere, it is non-invasive, cost-free and, above all, helps to maintain a youthful appearance. I hope that I will have jam and face yoga will accompany me every day. Thank you to Marta for her professionalism, pleasant atmosphere and individual approach to each of the participants.
- Anna KromerA fantastic workshop in the delightful atmosphere of creating natural cosmetics. A bright advertisement for the use of nature's gifts is the presenter Marta Kuczynska. I cordially recommend it to everyone.
- Margarita Kosovskaya-Shepherd dogI had the pleasure of participating in the training, and I must say that it was a very valuable seminar with great practicality and a vital approach to the topic. No bloating or redrawing. I recommend it wholeheartedly.
- Emilia Sojka Majewska.Sensational beauty workshops, a phenomenal atmosphere, a great atmosphere and great cosmetics. Thank you very much:)
- Beata Markowska.Today I had the opportunity to participate in a seminar conducted by Ms. Marta. High level of professionalism.
"Yvon Marcoc."The 21-day course completely changed my face, my self-esteem and self-esteem – because of a very noticeable lion's wrinkle, I was already in a terrible state. As I read about botox and looked through the surgeons ' suggestions, I remembered that I had bought this course. I was very determined to do all the exercises 2 times a day. After just 6 days, a colleague noticed that my face looked different! After 21 days, the face is tight, firm, the lion's wrinkle has flowed heavily, and I look in the mirror without horror! I highly recommend this course! I didn't expect such results!
- Karolina DubilThank you from the bottom of my heart for yesterday's workshop! Especially the joke about the lady who blesses everyone, thank you for sharing such stories. Yesterday I couldn't take my eyes off you, not only because of your beautiful skin, but also because of the beauty that comes from inside you. I cordially welcome you and wish you a lot of energy for the next seminar, see you soon!
— MarfaThe knowledge Ms. Marta has gained in her yoga course is amazing. Just a few minutes a day is enough to see the result. My neck is longer and my eyes are bigger and more open:). Care tips are valuable. Aromatherapy oils are wonderful. I am glad that I can use the valuable knowledge of Ms. Marta:) waiting for more:) thank you. P.S. I'll add another review about the anti-wrinkle pillow:) it is comfortable and beautiful!
- Agnieszka Otter