Category: ayurveda

Natural ways to catch a cold. The influence of thought on health and body.
Scratching in the throat, a decrease in the level of well — being, fatigue, headache, sinus congestion-probably everyone knows these symptoms. Regardless of [...]

What is there in autumn in Ayurveda?
As the leaves start to fall and the days get shorter and colder, it's worth reviewing your diet. It is natural, [...]

Sprawdź co mówi o Tobie ajurweda
Według Ajurwedy – najstarszej medycyny świata – cały wszechświat oparty jest na istnieniu i współistnieniu pięciu elementów: ziemi, wody, ognia, […]

Ayurvedic Daily Routine
The functioning of life on earth is based on rhythms determined by the time of day, the year, and the phases of the moon and Sun. Recurring cycles [...]

Special offer: cleaning!
Stripped of toxins, strengthened from the inside, the body works in harmony with nature. A good time to cleanse the body is always, and [ ... ]

Basic principles of detoxification
Cleansing the body in harmony with nature is an important topic - when I mention it in seminars and on social networks, [...]

Natural cosmetics: turmeric-eat, drink and apply on the face
I have spoken many times about my love of Ayurvedic philosophy. I believe that a holistic approach to life, body and mind is very [ ... ]

Natural Rejuvenation and Power of Shatavari Herb
You probably already know very well how close I am to Ayurvedic medicine and what an important role it plays in my life. Herbal medicine and [ ... ]

Natural care - home cosmetics based on the beauty yoga recipe
Eco, bio and organic – these words are increasingly appearing on the packaging chosen by women, pharmacy products. Natural cosmetics [...]