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Yoga for the face-action and effects

Wrinkles, a grayish complexion, and a number of other signs of fatigue and over time are symptoms that at some point start to take over every woman's mind. Many of us stop feeling satisfied with our appearance and look for ways to improve it. Nature has provided you with the right tool to solve this problem. These are the facial muscles.

While taking care of healthy appearance and fitness, we focus on all parts of the body except the face. We intensively train the stomach, arms or buttocks to keep them firm and attractive shape.
So why are we missing our face?

joga twarzy Marta Kucińska

Face training is a natural and effective way to keep you looking young
appearance. I'll teach you how to do it properly.

joga twarzy na zmarszczki

What is facial yoga?

Facial yoga is a method of facial exercises based on a holistic approach to the body, combining elements of facial exercises with appropriate breathing, body posture, diet elements, and training in conscious facial expressions.

This is a natural way to slow down the facial changes that occur with age. It has a rejuvenating effect, reduces wrinkles, eliminates the double chin, and – to some extent-can reconstruct the face, for example, improving cheekbones or lips.

Does it sound too pretty?
It's all within your reach!

There are more than 50 muscles on the face and neck. Face Yoga teaches you how to practice, strengthen, and relax them to not only reverse the negative effects of gravity, but also shape how your face will look in the future. Thanks to facial yoga, you get a radiant, youthful appearance without any external interference, in harmony with yourself and nature.

Face Yoga-Effects

  • Improves the oval of the face

  • Restores your natural smile

  • Reduces wrinkles

  • Reduces the effects of stress

  • Cheek lift

  • Oxygenates the body

  • Improves skin elasticity

  • Increases blood circulation

  • Reduces the second chin

  • And thus nourish the skin

  • "Enlarges" the eyes

  • Increases your self-esteem

  • Lifts drooping eyelids

  • Increases vital energy

  • Reduces bags under the eyes

  • Helps to get a pleasant aparitia

  • Removes puffiness of the face

How much effort is required from you to get a number of these positive effects?
That's just a few minutes a day!

How does facial yoga work?

Yoga for the face solves the problems associated with the years, using individually selected exercises and machines for the face, which in combination with breathing techniques and principles of care give the above results.

Thanks to the combination of these methods, the skin is better nourished and saturated with oxygen. By improving blood circulation, the face gets a more youthful, radiant appearance, the muscles regain their shape and volume, and the whole body is released from tension and stress.

Face Yoga teaches:

  • how to rejuvenate your face by spending 5 to 10 minutes twice a day

  • how to hold your head to influence the appearance of your face

  • how to get rid of bags under the eyes

  • how to effectively monitor your daily habits to combat aging

  • how to get rid of tension and stress from the face, body and mind

  • how to take care of your skin in harmony with nature

  • how to make healthy natural cosmetics that do not weigh down your pocket and have a beneficial effect on the complexion

In my courses, you will learn:

  • how to build a face

  • you will learn how to make some simple cosmetics from food ingredients

  • how do her daily habits affect her appearance

  • you will learn to breathe to relieve tension and stress

  • experience a lifting massage

Choose a course, workshop, or consultation to match you at the yoga beauty store

Yoga for the face from scratch –
online course
View the course
Aesthetic kinesiotaping with beauty yoga-online course
View the course
Self Kobido Intensive – kurs online
View the course
Piękne oczy z Jogą Piękna – kurs online
Beautiful eyes with Beauty Yoga-online course
View the course
Course Package
View the package
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stationary services
View the offer
Seminars and trainings
for companies
View the offer
Individual online consultation with Marta Kuczynska

60 minutes

View the offer
Konsultacja indywidualna online z Martą Kucińską • 3 x 60 minut
Individual online consultation with Marta Kuczynska

3 x 60 minutes

View the offer

Face yoga for me?

Facial yoga can be studied by anyone who wants to improve the appearance of the skin, regardless of age. Properly selected techniques do not cause any side effects, do not aggravate wrinkles. Only botox can make some exercises more difficult.

Face yoga-after what time are the results visible?

As a rule, the first effects are noticeable after 2-4 weeks. The exact time depends on the age and condition of the body. Lifestyle and diet are also important.

Yoga exercises for the face – where to start?

The main thing is your will!
Nothing in life will change if it is not your will.


You need to know how to make changes

Knowledge is also a guarantee that you will perform the exercises correctly, and therefore you will have better results. You can get it in different ways:

You should schedule a time for facial yoga

It is desirable that this is a specific hour. A good time for facial yoga and massage is morning and evening facials.

It's worth seeing the results

The effect is a motivator for further actions. A good way to spot them is to take a" selfie " in daylight, facing the window. Don't use unnecessary facial expressions. Repeat these photos regularly, for example, every 3-4 weeks, and always compare them with those that were at the beginning of the face yoga practice.

How can I teach you facial yoga?

There is no universal method. Each of us is unique and has individual needs. It all depends on whether you need help in a specific area of the face, training to strengthen the entire face as a whole, or even a full seminar, supplemented with diet therapy and lifestyle changes.

Contact me and I will help you choose the type of seminar or course that is perfect for you.

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Attention! The name "beauty yoga" is reserved.
All materials contained on the site are exclusively educational, informative and hobby-oriented. Their purpose is not to diagnose, treat, or prevent diseases. They will not replace the medical advice we need to take care of.


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