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Naturalne sposoby na przeziębienie. Wpływ myśli na zdrowie i ciało.
25 Jan 2024

Natural ways to catch a cold. The influence of thought on health and body.

Scratching in the throat, a decrease in the level of well — being, fatigue, headache, sinus congestion-probably everyone knows these symptoms. No matter what lifestyle you lead, you probably know what it's like when "a cold takes you". This is difficult to avoid even with regular strengthening of the immune system.

It is useful to know how to behave on such days. Today I want to introduce you my approach to seasonal infections i natural ways to catch a cold, which I use when I feel worse.

You may find my approach rather unusual, since it concerns a holistic view of our bodywhich has been in my area of interest for many years. I am an Ayurveda consultant and have participated in numerous general biology seminars. And it is in these areas that I most often look for solutions that can help me during a cold.

I will be happy to share my methods with you. However, keep in mind that the natural cold remedies you'll find in this post are:, they are not a substitute for a visit to the doctor. Your body may need something completely different at the moment. Thus, my methods are not a recipe for every illness, every cold or illness that has happened to you. They should be known and tested in case of possible decline in well-being. I hope they will be useful.

The first step when you have a cold, illness, or are feeling worse

I think that it all starts with emotions and it ends with emotions. How we deal with the current situations that meet us and how we respond to the various turmoils in life has a huge impact on our health, overall physical and mental well-being, and our well-being and wellbeing.

That's why the first thing to do when we're feeling overwhelmed, cold, or weak is: looking deep into yourself.

Think about what situation, what conflict could have caused you to feel worse, runny nose, sore throat, or just a classic cold.

  • What's so inconvenient about you?
  • What emotions have you experienced in recent days or weeks?
  • What internal (or external) conflicts have you encountered?

It often happens that next to many stressful, unusual, difficult situations, it's easy to passing by. We try not to take care of them, but nevertheless-they make themselves felt, precisely through a change in health, illness or weakness.

Therefore, it is worth taking time to think about what complex emotions, questions, and conflicts are they weren't overwhelmed by you lately. Think about what hasn't been resolved and may be affecting your health.

Książka Technika Uwalniania
 David R. Hawkins - Naturalne sposoby na przeziębienie

If you want to learn more about working with emotions, I encourage you to refer to the book, which the author is David R. Hawkins " the release technique”. You can find it in my online store.

Both Hawkins, the concept of total biology, and the new German medicine say that all unresolved conflicts will manifest in the body in the form of disorders or diseases.

Freeing the mind in practice

  • To find quiet locationwhere you can only stay with yourself. 
  • Think about what you've decided wait it out or put it off for later. Look for various situations that happened to you today or yesterday, moments, conversations that might have been inconvenient for you. 
  • The moment you recognize a situation that has caused you discomfort and that may be causing you to feel worse, you will probably, you will feel relieved on a mental level. Recognize this moment. 
  • Remember, it's not about finding a solution here and now. However consciousness itself is already liberating the mind, which stops projecting the unsolved onto the body and starts the recovery and regeneration process. Of course, if we really get to this event, which affects our physical fitness and health. 

Natural cold Remedies that I use

Walking barefoot on the grass

During a cold, if it's not very cold, I try, at least for a while go barefoot on the grass. Of course, I don't mean standing on the cold ground for long until we feel the paralyzing cold. I mean a few seconds of grounding.

In warm weather, you can walk on grass, sand or other substrates. It is worth spending a few minutes on this, while exposing yourself to sunlight. Steeper-also worth it. If at the moment it seems completely intimidating to you — try standing barefoot on the floor, for example, on the terrace. 

Why is this important? By yourself grounding allows us to get energy from the ground and space, from all around us, charges our batteries. In addition, grounding allows us to give what we can, that is, it facilitates the exchange of energy. For colds, this is definitely beneficial and can have a positive effect on our health.

Herbal medicine, achieving the kindness of nature

In my garden, I have planned a small space that I call a home medicine cabinet. I planted my favorite herbs in it rrosemary, bay leaf, thyme, sage and basil. These are the herbs I base on, and I often use them at least as herbal infusions. When I have a cold, I increase the amount of them, and also use more herbs in one drink.

I often add a few drops of my favorite oils to cold infusions:

I can't imagine feeling down without them, and I also take them with me very often on trips. 

What do I do when winter comes and I don't have any fresh herbs in my garden? In the fall, I collect herbs, dry them, prepare special mixtures from them, sometimes I dry them in the form of whole leaves, and sometimes I additionally chop them and use them in winter. I strongly recommend this practice, because I believe that drawing from nature definitely serves us. This is our wisdom. In the end, it is as if this is not the case — we also come from nature and are part of it. 

I believe that first of all, in case of deterioration of health, it is worth turning to natural remedies for colds, and only at the next stage, when natural support does not bring effect — it is worth turning to ordinary medicines, which are sometimes necessary on the way to health. 

Recipe for natural cold infusions

  • Rosemary it strengthens the body and has an antioxidant effect. 
  • Thyme - relieves cough and supports respiratory function
  • Sage - has antibacterial properties and helps to cleanse the body 
  • Bay leaf - supports the respiratory tract and has an anti-inflammatory effect 
  • 1-2 cm fresh ginger, finely chopped - has a warming and antibacterial effect
  • Turmeric — counteracts inflammation and strengthens the immune system

I fill the ingredients with hot water. At the moment when the infusion cools down, I add lemon and a tablespoon of natural honey

To this I add a few drops of the oils mentioned above:

  • 2 drops thyme oilwhich is known for its antibacterial and antiseptic properties and is also great when it comes to reducing sore throats 
  • 2 drops of On Guard Essential Oil a mixture to boost immunity 

If you want to see how I prepare a natural herbal infusion for colds, take a look at this post: 

Reducing sore throat with tea Oil

If you experience a sore throat associated with the first phase of a cold, try applying tea oil. 

Use one drop of tea oil every 5 minutes for half an hourthat is, apply 6 applications directly to the throat. 

This is my proven method, which can really bring comfort very quickly. Pharyngitis stops developing and even calms down and is cured. You can repeat the request after a few hours. 

Oils may cause sensitisation. It should be used with caution and preferably after consulting a doctor. In the case of tea oil, if it has never been used orally, you should start with a minimum amount, i.e. one drop per day.
Essential oils should be of suitable quality, studied for the possibility of oral administration. Such oils are: doTERRA

Zinc Supplements

In addition, during a cold, it is useful to take zinc. The recommended daily dose is 60 to 90 mg for an adult, divided into 3 doses.

How does zinc help with colds?

  • Zinc reduces the period of the disease. 
  • It is essential for the proper functioning of immune system cells such as T and B cells, macrophages, and NK cells (natural killer). It affects the proliferation, differentiation, and function of these cells, which can increase the body's ability to fight off infections, including viruses responsible for the common cold.
  • This can help relieve cold symptoms such as a runny nose, cough, and sore throat. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can be useful for viral infection.

Using Probiotics

In addition, during a cold, you should take care of your gut and bacterial flora, meaning it's good to get to the right places probiotics.

Of course-you should consult your doctor before taking probiotics (and supplements). Each organism is different. For example, if we have SIBO, an extra dose of lactic acid bacteria can harm us. So this is a hint for healthy peoplewho know their body and possible concomitant diseases.

How does taking care of the intestines affect the body's immunity and skin condition? Watch the video where I tell you more about using probiotics:

Natural ways to catch a cold-summary

In general, with a cold, it is worth analyzing the possible internal or external conflictsthis can affect our well-being. Remember that any stressful situations that were not resolved by us, sooner or later will be deposited in our body. If it comes to overwork, stress, lack of sleep and other unfavorable external conditions, then these complex events can very quickly "decompose" us.

Let's take care of ourselves consciously. Let's feel for each other. Watch your body's reactions and take advantage of the kindness of nature. I hope that the natural ways of catching a cold that I have listed in this post will be useful to you.

I wish you a lot of health!

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