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12 Jan 2024

The aging process — how to deal with it?

The aging process many extreme emotions are awakened. I noticed that he has a few different opinions. I often talk about them with my clients, subscribers, as well as with friends and people close to me. I also keep a close eye on your reactions to my actions on social media. Naturally, we can take different approaches to the aging process. However, one thing is certain — it is difficult to pass by the topic completely indifferentlybecause it concerns all of us.

To show you the different perspectives of the aging process, I decided to gather my observations in one place. In this post, you will find information about how we approach the changes that occur on our face, in our body and in our body. You will learn 3 approaches that are clearly different from each other, and learn what methods we have to tame this topic.

3 approaches to the aging process that I have observed

Approach # 1: Aging is a natural process

Do you think that aging is a completely natural process that is genetically encoded? Trying to slow down the aging process seems like a waste of time - ”there are so many other valuable things you can do"? Of course, there is nothing wrong with this approach! Each of us will age, and wrinkles on the face are the result of our experiences and experiences.

You can't completely stop the aging process.

However, it is worth remembering that genes contain information that can be activated or not. Lifestyle has a huge impact on our genes, but also on how we feel, and whether we have the desire and strength to devote ourselves to other " higher goals."

I really like the saying "in a healthy body A healthy mind"and I believe that taking care of physical activity, how we feel in our skin, affects our functioning, including at the level of the mind and spirit. If this area is well-groomed, and our body is working, functioning properly, and we feel good in it — we have more energy to do additional things for ourselves or others.

Where is the appearance in this approach? Of course, I also believe that appearance should not be our priority in itself and the driving force. In my writing, I often emphasize that what our face looks like and what appears on it is a result of our health and how we take care of ourselves on other levels — even through healthy eating, hydration, or mental health care.

Read more about how a healthy lifestyle affects the aging process here: How to age more slowly?

Does this approach have its advantages? Of course, this is true — first of all, approach # 1 does not cause pressure, it is a tribute to naturalness and self-acceptance. However, you can get lost in it, forgetting about the daily care of the good condition of the body.

Of course, I respect your approach, and if you rely on naturalness and leave your body "alone" - this is also normal. I believe that everyone is the master of their own destiny, and everyone has the right to act according to their own schemes.

Approach # 2: Lack of acceptance

Do you not accept the fact of aging and take any actions to prevent it? Are you overly focused on fighting this process through multiple aesthetic medicine treatments, intense exercise, and calorie control? You always try to stick to your food plan and aesthetic. Do you almost never allow yourself to retreat and ignore the body's signals?

This approach can be dangerous. As a result, you may be very disappointed. In an effort to preserve youth at all costs, it's easy to overdo it and look artificial. These activities also require a lot of time, energy, and financial resources. After all, it's impossible to fight against time. Sooner or later, you will feel that the aging process is inevitable.

If this approach is close to you, then think about the reason. Maybe it's not the wrinkles, but the desire for eternal youth under the pressure of the media? Maybe the problem is lack of recognition or low self-esteem? It is worth studying this topic and reflecting. Knowing the reason for your actions can lead to some release, a sense of calm, and self-acceptance.

Approach # 3: Striving for a good body shape and comfortable well-being

Do you recognize that aging is natural, but you want to have a good body shape and feel comfortable? Do you realize that taking care of yourself, including your face, is also a concern for body health, and excessively noticeable wrinkles can be caused by stress? Do you consciously exercise, massage your face, and focus on relaxation during short exercises, enjoying the well-being and fitness that you owe to yourself? This approach is closest to me.

I know I'm getting old, and I accept it. I realize that my body will become more and more vulnerable. I know I won't look like I'm 20 years old yet, and I won't be as active. I realize that some things bore me more.

I accept that, but also I do not give up taking care of my body and good shape. I take a balanced approach. I pay attention to what I eat. I try to eat well, but I also make small mistakes, like eating a piece of chocolate.

Of course, it's not a matter of explaining every whim to yourself. But I'm assuming that you shouldn't be very restrictive about yourself. Because it can quickly tire us out and rein us in.

When I make a bad nutrition decision, do I skip a workout – I'm trying to balance this out in some way for example, a healthy meal or a quick walk.

Each approach has its own advantages and aspects worth considering. I think it's important to find a balance between embracing the natural aging process and taking care of your health and well-being.

It is worth taking care of your body and skin condition, but not because of the appearance, but because of how we feel and how much energy we have to act and pursue our goals (including higher ones).

Let us know if this approach is suitable for you. I'm curious what you think about the aging process and how you approach this topic.

Be sure to follow my social channels: Facebook i Instagramhere you will find more information about my approach to health, appearance, and wellbeing.

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