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Anu Jiva Ayurvedic Oil * for sinuses and runny nose * 30 ml

79,00  including VAT

Nourishes all the senses. Regular use of this oil improves the perception of the senses. Reduces graying and hair loss and allows you to maintain their natural color. In addition, the herbs that make up the oil clean blocked nasal passages, help in the fight against migraines and sinus inflammation.

Action:Improves sensory perception, helps fight migraines and sinus inflammation, clears blocked channels, making it easier to breathe. Helps to strengthen the immune system.
Container: 30 ml

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Anu oil is a natural preparation that perfectly stimulates and nourishes all the senses. In addition, the herbs that make up the oil clean blocked nasal passages, help in the fight against migraines and sinus inflammation. It helps to strengthen the immune system and prevents excessive dryness of the body.

Thanks to its rich composition, which contains sesame oil, shatavari (Indian asparagus), licorice, sandalwood, Himalayan cedar, Indian mallow (Bala) and Ceylon cinnamon not only have a beneficial effect on the senses, but also help to avoid hair loss and gray hair, as well as allow you to maintain their beautiful, natural color.

Regularly Used Nose Oil Anu Oil Jiva:
* Improves sensory experience
* helps in strengthening the immune system
* clears blocked channels, making it easier to breathe
* helps fight migraines and sinus inflammation

Key Ingredients
* Indian Sesame Oil / Sesamum Indicum Oil
* Sandalwood white / Santalum album
• Valeriana Wallichii
Cinnamon Tamala Leaf Oil / Cinnamomum Tamala Leaf Oil
• Kora berberyny / Berberis Aristata Bark Extract
* Licorice Root Oil / Glycyrrhiza Glabra Root Oil
• Kora malwy indyjskiej (Bala) / Sida Cordifolia Bark Extract
* Black Cardamom Seed Oil / Amomum Subulatum Seed Oil
* False Black Pepper Oil / Embelia Ribes Seed Oil
• Kora kleiszcza smakowitego / Aegle Marmelos Bark Extract
* Vetiver Zizanioides Aromatic Root Oil
• Kwiat rozbiału / Mesua Ferrea Flower Extract
Ceylon Cinnamon Bark / Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Bark Extract
• Sarsaparilla indyjska / Hemidesmus Indicus Extract
• Desmodium Gangeticum
• Korzeń Leptadenia Reticulata / Leptadenia Reticulata Rroot Extract
* Yellow-berry Nightshade / Solanum Xanthocarpum Fruit Extract
* Himalayan Cedar oil / Cedrus Deodara Wood Oil
* Indian Asparagus Root Oil (Shatavari) / Asparagus Racemosus Root Extract

Full team
Sesamum Indicum Oil, Santalum Album, Valeriana Wallichii, Cinnamomum Tamala Leaf Oil, Berberis Aristata Bark Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra Root Oil, Sida Cordifolia Bark Extract, Amomum Subulatum Seed Oil, Embelia Ribes Seed Oil, Aegle Marmelos Bark Extract, Vetiveria Zizanioides Root Oil, Mesua Ferrea Flower Extract, Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Bark Extract, Hemidesmus Indicus Extract, Desmodium Gangeticum, Leptadenia Reticulata Root Extract, Solanum Xanthocarpum Fruit Extract, Cedrus Deodara Wood Oil, Asparagus Racemosus Root Extract.

2-3 drops of oil are instilled in both nostrils after bathing or before going to bed. Do not use with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Container: 30 ml
Manufacturer: JIVA Ayurvedic Pharmacy Ltd.
Country of origin: India

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