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Pakiet 3 kursów • Holityczne Piękno Joga twarzy od podstaw + Kinesiotaping estetyczny + Automasaż liftingujący

Original price was: 1 441,00 zł.Current price is: 1 041,00 zł. including VAT

The lowest price ( 9 March 2025 ): 1 041,00 

Zadbaj o swoją skórę holistycznie, stosując aż 3 techniki naturalnego odmładzania skóry: jogę twarzy, kinesiotaping oraz automasaż liftingujący. Ich połączenie to gotowy przepis na skuteczne i naturalne odmłodzenie skóry.

Do wszystkich kursów masz dostęp w ramach wygodnej platformy online.

The Holistic Beauty package includes:

  • Online course Yoga for the face from scratch
  • Online course Aesthetic kinesiotaping
  • Online course Lifting Self-Massage
    + all bonuses included in the courses.
View full description

You get ready-made tools: a holistic recipe for skin rejuvenation

Take care of your skin holistically-taking care of its elasticity, radiant appearance, proper structure and oxygenation. Get acquainted 3 techniques of natural tissue rejuvenationwhich complement each other, reinforcing and perpetuating the expected results.

Oddaję w Twoje ręce pakiet 3 rozbudowanych kursów online, dzięki którym nauczysz się ćwiczyć jogę twarzy, stosować kinesiotaping oraz masować tkanki zaawansowaną metodą masażu liftingującego.

Using these methods interchangeably or in combined protocols — your face will undergo a noticeable transformation. You will improve the oval of the face, slightly lift the cheeks, sharpen the shape of the jaw, smooth out fine lines, restore the radiant appearance of the face and thanks to these effects-fix these effects by suppressing the aging process.

Each of the courses includes several dozen informative and detailed materials, as well as additional bonuses. This is one of the most comprehensive natural skin rejuvenation guides on the market.


Who is the course package intended for? Holistic Beauty?

  • for those who want to take comprehensive care of their skin
  • if you care about the lasting effects of natural rejuvenation
  • if you want to enhance the effect of one of these methods
  • if your goal is to shape the oval of your face, tone your skin and lift your cheeks
  • if you want to get rid of wrinkles
  • when you are looking for methods to naturally oxygenate the skin, improve blood circulation, reduce puffiness
  • do you appreciate the natural effects of skin rejuvenation techniques
  • you work in front of a computer, stare at the screen for hours, and want to keep your skin healthy
  • you live in a constant state of tension and stress; you feel like you need to relax
  • you have decided that now you are betting on yourself and want to take care of your beauty and well-being

Skuteczne naturalne odmładzanie polega na wielowymiarowym działaniu
Check out the effects of applying 3 methods that you will learn using the package Holistic Beauty

  • With the courses, you will either completely smooth out wrinkles: lion's wrinkle, crow's feet, hamsters, nasolabial furrows.
  • You will strengthen and tighten the skin of the face, neck and decollete.
  • You'll get rid of unsightly, aging puffiness and puffiness.
  • You will expand and enhance the effects of facial yoga and automation.
  • Your eyes will get bigger and more expressive.
  • You will lift the corners of your mouth, your face will look younger.
  • You saturate the skin with oxygen.
  • You will naturally improve blood and lymph circulation and thus restore a youthful, radiant appearance.
  • Every day you will be happy to look at yourself in the mirror, you will notice changes that will add strength to you.


Find out what exactly is included in the package of 3 courses " holistic beauty”


First Course Included: Face Yoga from Scratch

  • It will provide you with knowledge on how to take comprehensive care of yourself, in harmony with nature. You will develop good habits, including regular facial yoga practice and auto massage.
  • You will learn full-face exercises that will reduce wrinkles, improve the oval face, reduce double chin, and improve blood supply and oxygenation to the skin.
  • I also have tasks for you every day that will help you develop good habits of taking care of beauty in harmony with nature. I will also show you different types of massages that support facial yoga.


Course Yoga for the face from scratch includes:

  • Essential knowledge about skin aging processes
  • Videos of yoga exercises for the face, demonstrating theory and practice
  • Videos with instructions for facial massage
  • Additional materials PDF with yoga exercises for the face
  • You get access to the course for 3 years

and additional materials:

  • E-book: Natural cosmetics from your kitchen
  • Video recording: relaxing and stretching the body on the ball
  • Ready-made Face Yoga Workouts-for Beginners and Intermediate level
  • Audio recording of the meditation with affirmations
  • Video recording: Massage with Roller Freeze Wrinkles

Learn more about course 1 here: Yoga for the face from scratch


Second course in the package: Aesthetic kinesiotaping with beauty yoga

  • Aesthetic Kinesiotaping Course with Beauty Yoga is an ordered knowledge of kinesiotaping – you will learn this natural rejuvenation technique from A to Z to apply it safely at home.
  • From the online course, you will learn everything you need – how to use the tape, how to prepare the tapes, how to prepare the face, how to remove the tapes.
  • You will learn about the application of ribbons on the face, neck and decollete, so that you will reduce wrinkles, get rid of puffiness and puffiness, and naturally improve blood and lymph circulation.


Course Aesthetic kinesiotaping with beauty yoga includes:

  • Video recordings of the face, neck and decollete: from preparing tejps and skin to sticking and removing patches.
  • The necessary knowledge about kinesiotaping that will allow you to safely apply it at home.
  • Additional PDF materials on using the feed.
  • You get access to the course for 3 years

and additional materials:

  • video recording of a set of yoga exercises for the face
  • video recording of a face and neck massage with a gua sha plate

Learn more about course 2 here: Aesthetic kinesiotaping with beauty yoga


Third course in the package: Beauty Yoga lifting machine

W kursie Automasaż liftingujący wg Jogi Piękna dowiesz się, jak wykonywać odmładzający i relaksujący masaż skóry twarzy, szyi, dekoltu oraz głowy. Nauczysz się za pomocą automasażu modelować swoją twarz, przywracając jej wyrazistość i młodzieńczy owal.


Course Beauty Yoga lifting machine includes:

  • Necessary knowledge about the face machine
  • Videos with precise instructions
  • Ready-made full lifting massage

and additional materials:

  • Bonus 1: Relaxing meditation combined with face touching
  • Bonus 2: Transbuctal massage

Learn more about Course 3 here: Beauty Yoga lifting machine

Other important information about the course package:

  • You can take courses at home, anywhere, and anytime.
  • After purchase, you will get access to the e-learning platform, where you will find all the records and additional materials to download. Internet access and a little bit of your time are enough for work.
  • Your access to the course belongs only to you! Any copying, processing, distribution of these materials in whole or in part, as well as providing Usernames to third parties is prohibited.

Read this before ordering a beauty yoga course package:

  • Make sure you enter your email address correctly.
  • Please make sure that the email containing your data is not included in spam. This often happens:)
  • If you pay with a regular transfer, please note that it may take up to 3 business days to place the payment (depending on the operation of your bank).
  • After payment, you will receive an email from us with a link to the course dashboard

© Copyright 2024 yoga of beauty. All rights reserved. Created by THENEWLOOK
Attention! The name "beauty yoga" is reserved.
All materials contained on the site are exclusively educational, informative and hobby-oriented. Their purpose is not to diagnose, treat, or prevent diseases. They will not replace the medical advice we need to take care of.


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