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Nari Sakhi * Female Reproductive system • 60 capsules

65,00  including VAT

Take care of the balance of hormones and a regular menstrual cycle. Nari Sakhi is a capsule that supports women's comfort and proper functioning of the reproductive system.

* They help regulate the menstrual cycle.
* They improve well-being by reducing cramps, abdominal tension, and pain.
* Increases comfort during the period.

Container: 60 capsules
Recommended serving: 1 capsule 2 times a day
1 pack is enough for 1 month of use

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The lowest price ( 2 August 2023 ): 65,00 
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Do you suffer from menstrual disorders? Do you want to take care of the health and condition of your reproductive system, regulate the endocrine system, and reduce the unpleasant symptoms of PMS?

Nari Sakhi-an Ayurvedic supplement for womenit helps restore the hormonal balance in the body, nourishes and strengthens the body, taking care of your well-being and comfort. This is support for women who have problems with menstruation. This will be good for you if you suffer from irregular periods or experience excessive or minor bleeding. you experience unpleasant PMS-related complaints that prevent you from functioning normally.

Be sure to consult your gynecologist for each of the above symptoms. The supplement supports the female body, but does not treat diseases that can cause possible disorders.


Key Ingredients of the Nari Sakhi Supplement

Aloe Leaveswhich are rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. They relieve menstrual pain, help with hormonal regulation, support the digestive system and remove toxins from the body.

Shatavari It is known in Ayurveda as a plant that supports the reproductive health of women. It is believed that it has the properties of harmonizing and strengthening the endocrine system. Helps regulate menstruation, eases PMS symptoms, and supports uterine health.

Saffron it is known for its diastolic and analgesic properties. It also helps relieve menstrual cramps and abdominal pain.

Ashoka It is a plant that is valued in Ayurveda for its properties that regulate menstrual disorders, i.e. irregular or painful menstruation.

Soy it is a source of phytoestrogens, which are plant substances that have similar effects to estrogens in the body. It can help regulate hormones and relieve some of the symptoms associated with hormonal instability in women.


Full composition of Nari Sakhi (1 capsule 450 mg)

* Aloe barbadensis leaf pulp - 225 mg
* Shatavari Asparagus root powder (Asparagus racemosus) - 50 mg
* Saffron fruit powder (Mesua ferrea) - 40 mg
* Powdered Ashoka bark (Saraca Asoca) - 35 mg
* Powdered soy seeds (Anethum Owl) - 30 mg
* Ajovan Fruit Powder (Trachspermum ammi) - 20 mg
Powdered Lodhra bark (Sympiocos racemosa) - 20 mg
* Vitania Sluggish / Ashagandha Root Powder (Vitania somnifera) - 20 mg
* Powdered Jaiphal Fruit / Spicy Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) - 6 mg
• Sproszkowany Hing / Asafetyda (Ferula asafoetida) – 4 mg

Capsule shell (vegan capsule):
* glazed substance-Hypromellose / hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (Hypromellose)


Effects of regular use of Nari Sakhi Supplement

* natural balance of the body
* relief of unpleasant PMS symptoms
* menstrual adjustment
* nutrition and detoxification of the blood
* vitality, strengthening of the female body
* reduction of edema


How to dose a supplement to regulate the menstrual cycle and reproductive tract health?

To support your reproductive system, take 1 capsule 2 times a day. At this dosage, 1 pack is enough for 1 month of regular use.
Remember, do not exceed the recommended daily intake. A dietary supplement should never be used as a substitute for a varied, nutritious diet that supports your body.

Avoid taking Nari Sakhi capsules if you are pregnant, nursing, or hypersensitive to any component of the drug.


Who is this product suitable for?

* for women who have excessive or no bleeding.
* if you have an irregular period
* for women who experience severe PMS symptoms
* if you are concerned about abdominal cramps and discomfort during menstruation
* if you want to feed your body and give it strength
* for women who want to improve their overall health
* in the presence of female reproductive disorders

Attention! Nari Sakhi this is a dietary supplement, not a drug that is credited with the properties of preventing or treating diseases. Any complaints from the reproductive system, including irregular menstruation, should consult your doctor.

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